Wednesday 15 June 2011

Gnocchi- a love story

I have been a gnocchi lover since first enjoying a plate of beautifully soft potato balls on the hills outside Sienna, aged 13. Up till now I have religiously searched every Italian menu placed in front of me for their gnocchi dish, no more as I have now started making my own! I have tried to make them before, without much luck, but yesterday I got it right (boet, you would be proud!).
My dear husband is now converted and yes, they are a fair amount of work but when there is nothing going on what is better than potato covered fingers and making little balls of goodness. Potato pasta - mmm my 2 favourite foods in one! Last night the sauce of choice was nepolitana with a chilli kick, whizzed down to puree and a dash of cream added.... too good.

1 comment:

  1. I agree... my wife makes the best gnocci... and risotto... and chicken pie...hmmmm
